
Summer Mom Life.. WHAAAAAAAT??

Is it just me!??

Are you literally about to pull every little piece of hair out from your head??? Or is it just me!??!! I mean come on I love my kids with every thing in me however….. every inch of me is about to lose it… whether it’s the fussing between the kiddos, the I’m hungry…! Aka “I really want a snack”! 🙄 literally not even an hour after fixing them lunch… 🤔😵‍💫 I guess I’ve created appetizer children!…. All I want is at least a pee break without yelling, “guys stop”, “ stop aggravating each other”, or “go to your rooms”…. It’s like are we on probation during the summer???? Uhmmm I think NOT!!! Anyone relate??

Now that I have your attention…. It’s hard during the summer, right? Whether it’s paying for childcare during the non school season, where we haven’t needed to “payout” left and right between childcare organizations, or relying on family or friends to watch our children. Or whether it’s the finally “peaceful time” we’ve been hacked from… it’s hard. Of course todays world excepts moms to just deal with it or “it’s the woman’s job”… Pfff. 🙄

“To the “SAHMs”… where is our down time? Our “breathing time” (whether it’s binge watching a show or taking naps) I mean imma tell it, I love my naps even when it’s before my sons actually nap time 🤭🤣 Am I the only one?

To the working moms during the summer… I feel for you!!! Trying to work to have them taken care of while you work, picking them up on time before the organization closes or relying on someone else to do so…. I feel the frustration… the Omgee can I catch a break…

JUST BREATHE moms!!!!!!!! You’ve GOT this!!! You are strong! You’ve went through the pain “whether you felt it or not” lol. Our bodies still went through it! We all know a man couldn’t go through what we have… Like come on… when a man has a cold it’s the end of the world for them.. on the couch… 🤒🤢… pitiful…. Yet us…. Even when we feel like CRAP we still do our duties! (Not bashing the men) I’m just saying….. 😬👀

If you ever feel you aren’t enough or you feel like you can’t catch a break…. STOP!!! You are PERFECT!!! You are succeeding!!! You are just as human as the rest of them. We as women like to talk, let our feelings out, and feel we have a voice…. So come “vent” Because sometimes it’s better to get it out than to hold it in until it ruptures like a volcano.

Until the next “mom episode” or “Anyone relate, imma lose my mind”….

Cassie- aka the Bouj 👋🏼😁

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